Archive for month: December, 2018
Wishing you happiness and peace
/0 Comments/in News /by administratorDear Friends,
You have transformed the empty lives of these broken children into a meaningful life.
This past year we have developed the hairstyling classroom, provided the children with sports clothing, shoes, traditional clothing for cultural activities, sports equipment, a jungle gym, gardening skills training equipment and 2 laptops for the teaching staff.
Thank you again for your donation.
Wishing you happiness and peace.
Dr Hussain, all the children and the Board of the Kungwini Dream Fund.
Progress Report 2018
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by administratorHighlights from 2017
- New Deputy Principal Mr. Molebale
- The unfortunate passing of the hairdressing teacher
- Two students had an accident with a wheelchair
- Three students have been employed by the government
- Students in athletics and netball acquired the national gold medal
- Occupational therapist, wood work and welding teacher retired
- Search for new teachers
- Renovated and upgraded the hairdressing classroom
- Medical clinic relocated into a larger room with washroom facility
Progress Report 2018
January 22, 2018
- Meeting held with the school principal, Deputy, Kathy and Mohamed present
- Plans for 2018:
- Deputy: Emphasis on technical skills development of students, practical skills for employment
- List of items requested to be addressed during the meeting:
- Jungle gym for motor skills development
- Mini track for educating students on traffic safety and road use
- Separation of the younger (foundation) and older students (R) to help with Appropriate age socializing and Prevention of bullying and abuse
- Development of gymnasium and dining areas
- Students who compete in Regional, provincial and national events lack attire and require: Sports uniform, Bags and shoes
- Motorized school gate – to monitor the movement in and out of the school (also bus and taxi activity) for the security of the children
February 2, 2018
- Guests from Canada in attendance: Nancy Bloomfield and Rick Arbor
- Staff Appreciation: 2 laptops provided to the teachers and Grocery voucher of R750.00 given to 35 staff members
- Student enrollment had decreased due to broken down school buses this year
- Request for programs and costs
- Purchase of a laser printer for the medical clinic at the school
- Regular visits to the school – assessment of sick children and new admissions
- The young children were ecstatic with the purchase of the Jungle gym. Kathy assisted the young children in wheelchairs who required help into the slide.
March 2, 2018
- Recruited a masters student in Audiology to screen all children
- Delivery of the following items:
- Sports Uniform
- Traditional clothing
- Audio system
- Portable PA system
- Garden hats and equipment
- Grass cutting equipment
March 9, 2018
- Farewell function at the school